Why does my shoulder hurt if I didn’t injure it?
Shoulder pain is often the result of rotator cuff tendinitis. Four key muscles comprise the rotator cuff. Their primary job is to stabilize and centralize the ball of the shoulder in the socket. These muscle tendons can become inflamed causing “tendinitis.” A common cause of this inflammation is impingement syndrome, occurring when the space between the ball of the shoulder and the bony top of the shoulder joint narrows with elevation of the arm. Poor posture, tightness, and key muscle weakness contribute to this problem. Left untreated, repeated impingement can lead to significant functional weakness and full-thickness rotator cuff tears, leading to surgery.
What can I do to decrease pain?
A common treatment used by physical therapists in treatment of shoulder pain is electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). In EMS, multiple therapeutic waves target deep tissues resulting in a decrease in muscle tension and pain, as well as improved physical activity. These electrical waves contract sore muscles gently and increase blood flow to promote healing.
Begin your pain-free journey with Elektrik Performance & Mobility. Visit www.elektrikpm.com. Or call Terry at 509-222-8592
Try these exercises to jump-start your rehabilitation:
Pinch your shoulder blades down and back in a “V” shape and hold for five to ten seconds. Repeat a few times. Stretch your arm straight in front of you in a slow punching motion forward and backward, without bending your elbow or back. Repeat 5-10 times. Remember, it should not increase pain significantly.